This is part of our ongoing series for the upcoming legislative races, spotlighting the different candidates who are appearing on the March 26, 2022 ballot.
I am the most qualified and experienced candidate running for State Representative District 101. I am a life-long servant leader, dedicated to the betterment of Louisiana. I am passionate about the citizens of Louisiana: their well-being, hopes, dreams, and plans for the future.
The most important challenge facing our community today is the education of our children. Quality education is the most influential force for alleviating socio-economic disparities, improving health, closing opportunity and achievement gaps, increasing prosperity and shaping more inclusive, sustainable, and prepared communities where future generations can succeed.
Schools and parents must place priority on student performance and achievement and be held accountable for ensuring that all children succeed. It is no secret that a strong public education system ensures the vitality of the future workforce.
Crime is a universal concern. The most powerful crime deterrent is collaboration. Community members and leaders working together will lead to a reduction in local crime, protect communities, and ensure justice. We must deploy tools and resources to where they are needed, as needed, to address and prevent crime. Alleviating crime empowers us all and starts with each of us. The village must activate.
I want to empower and invest in the people of District 101, ensuring a well-skilled, healthy, and resilient population, resulting in an innovative, engaged, and productive workforce. I believe investing in people is the key to economic growth. I will work towards providing jobs for District 101 by expanding domestic and international markets, creating additional incentive grants for small businesses, developing workforce training, and expanding broadband to grow our economy
Each of you deserve a government that works for you. I will work with you to make all our communities safer, stronger economically, safeguarding our children’s futures in an atmosphere of transparency, trust, and accountability. I would be honored for your vote on March 26.